Spreading the Truth and Word of God

The Truth and Word of God

At our store, we are dedicated to bringing you the truth and word of God as given to us in the Bible through the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative word of God, and we strive to share its message with others.

“Crusaders” Merchandise and Clothing Attire

As part of our mission to spread the message of Jesus Christ, we offer a range of “Crusaders” merchandise and clothing attire. Our products are designed to help you express your faith and show your support for Jesus, who is our King and Lord.

Our “Crusaders” merchandise includes a variety of items such as t-shirts, hoodies, hats, and accessories. Each product features unique designs and messages that reflect the teachings and values of Christianity. By wearing our merchandise, you can share your faith with others and spark meaningful conversations about Jesus.

Delegating and Saving with “Disciples PHP”

In addition to providing spiritual resources, we also advocate for delegating and saving your money and life with “Disciples PHP.” Our financial program is designed to help you manage your finances in a way that aligns with biblical principles.

“Disciples PHP” stands for “Pray, Hope, and Prosper.” It is a framework that encourages individuals to seek God’s guidance in their financial decisions, put their hope in Him, and strive for prosperity in all areas of life. By following the principles of “Disciples PHP,” you can learn to be a good steward of your resources and achieve financial stability.

We offer various resources, including books, courses, and workshops, to help you understand and implement the principles of “Disciples PHP” in your life. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to make wise financial decisions and experience God’s blessings in your finances.


At our store, we are committed to sharing the truth and word of God through the Bible. We offer “Crusaders” merchandise and clothing attire to help you express your faith and initiate conversations about Jesus. Additionally, our “Disciples PHP” program encourages financial stewardship and guides you towards financial stability. We invite you to explore our products and resources to deepen your faith and grow in your relationship with God.

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