Seeking Truth, Sharing Jesus, and Advocating for Well-being

Discovering the Truth and Word of God

Welcome to our blog, where we strive to bring you the truth and word of God, as given to us in the Bible through the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is a source of divine wisdom and guidance, and we are dedicated to sharing its teachings with others.

Embracing the Message of Jesus

At our online store, we offer a range of merchandise and clothing attire that reflects our faith and love for Jesus. Our “Crusaders” collection is designed to inspire and encourage believers to proudly proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ, who we believe is the King and Lord of all.

By wearing our “Crusaders” merchandise, you can express your devotion to Jesus and share the message of hope and salvation with others. We believe that by boldly displaying our faith, we can inspire others to seek a deeper relationship with God.

Advocating for Financial and Spiritual Well-being

As followers of Jesus, we also believe in the importance of delegating and saving our money. We understand that financial stability is crucial for a peaceful and fulfilling life. Through our “Disciples PHP” program, we provide resources and guidance on financial management, helping individuals and families to make wise financial decisions.

Our aim is not only to help you save money but also to encourage you to save your life. We believe that true fulfillment comes from aligning our lives with God’s plan and purpose. By making sound financial choices and seeking spiritual guidance, we can experience a life of abundance and joy.

Through our blog, we share practical tips and insights on budgeting, investing, and managing your finances in a way that honors God. We believe that financial stewardship is an essential part of our faith journey and that by being good stewards of our resources, we can make a positive impact on the world around us.


Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovering the truth and word of God. We hope that our “Crusaders” merchandise and clothing attire will serve as a reminder of your faith and a conversation starter for sharing the love of Jesus with others.

Remember, by embracing the teachings of the Bible and making wise financial decisions, you can experience a life of purpose, fulfillment, and abundance. Together, let’s continue to seek the truth, share the message of Jesus, and advocate for both financial and spiritual well-being.

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